Lexi Pictures

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ear Piercing!

Lexi got her ears pierced today. The idea was to take her to the piercing place closest to the exit of the mall, so when she screamed, she would only have to be taken a few feet...not through the whole mall. Much too all of our surprise (Jocelyn, April, Jesse and I were all there), there wasn't even a tear. What a brave little girl! Everyone was in agreement that she handled the piercing like a star!

All done! Posted by Hello

Clean 'em up! Posted by Hello

Ready...aim...fire! Posted by Hello

Drawing the dots Posted by Hello

Filling out the forms Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

This is Lexi with her cool new purple shoes on. They're way too big now, but they'll be perfect in the fall or maybe even next summer. Posted by Hello

Look at those cool shades! Posted by Hello

Grandma told her no, don't take that up there because we knew she was taking it up so she could throw it off the side like the bunny paratroopers...but she did it anyways, so when grandma took the umbrella away she threw a little fit...it passed quickly Posted by Hello

Lexi taking her umbrella up the stairs Posted by Hello

Lexi and Grandpa on the tractor Posted by Hello
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